Panopto: Sharing & Permissions
This article has not been updated recently and may contain dated material.
Sharing and Permissions with Panopto:
1. Log in to the LSU Panopto Web Portal via Moodle or directly from the LSU Panopto Web Portal login page.
2. Click the Share option under the single session you wish to share. (You may need to hover your mouse near the video for these options to appear.) This will change the share setting for a single video.

You can change the setting for an entire folder by navigating to the folder in question, then click the cog wheel in the top right hand corner then, in the window that opens, click Share in the sub menu.

3. Click the Change button to adjust your share options.

4. Here you can share your content to specific people, to all of LSU (unlisted indicates it can not be searched for by others), or completely open to the public.

5. You can invite individual users by putting their email address into the People and groups field.

Referenced from: Panopto
12/15/2023 2:56:25 PM