Accessibility: Crafting an EEAAP

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To provide a plan for remediating content or evaluating an accessible alternative for content, you must provide a public Equally Effective Alternative Access Plan (EEAAP).

To Create an EEAAP:

1. Include your name and the departmental contact email, and provide this to anyone using the content in an accessible location. This will allow requests to be submitted to the responsible person who will take action for the accessibility requests. In general, it should be in the following format:

"In the event a user experiences a barrier due to a disability, they should contact (departmental contact name) at (departmental contact information)."

2. You may also create a detailed document outlining the steps to complete once you receive an accessibility remediation request with the following guides:

  1. Harvard - Creating an Equally Effective Alternate Access Plan (EEAAP)
  2. Digital Accessibility @ Iowa - Equally Effective Alternative Access Plan (EEAAP)
  3. University of Maine - Instructions for developing/approving Equally Effective Alternate Access Plans


For more information about accessibility requirements, please see the LSU Accessibility Portal.


Referenced from:,, and

10/16/2023 10:08:11 AM