Gaussian: LSU Overview

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General Information

Gaussian is a software package used for calculating molecular electronic structure and properties. Gaussian is used by chemists, chemical engineers, biochemists, and physicists for research in established and emerging areas of chemical interest. This package includes a wide range of ab initio and semi-empirical methods for energy, gradient, frequency, and property calculations.

Licensing: Gaussian is available under a site license for LSU.

Please also see GaussView, a software companion to Gaussian that allows visual mapping, which is also provided on Tigerware.

Pre-Installation Instructions

System Requirements: Windows, Mac OS X, UNIX/Linux

Also available for download on VLab.

NOTE: Install Gaussian before installing GaussView.

Download & Install

Download Gaussian on TigerWare

Support & Training

Gaussian: Tech Support

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5/6/2024 2:40:38 PM