results for "moodle"
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Changing the course cover image in Moodle courses can be used to add interest to your course page. In addition to appearing on the top of the course page, the image appears on the course tile for your course on the My Courses page for anyone who is enrolled in your course. To Change Your Course Cover Image: 1. Open the Moodle course you would...
Article Id: 19939

Moodle provide dozens of different kinds of course activities, and each one has a variety of settings. There are a few types of settings that are common to most Moodle activities, and understanding these settings will allow basic management of almost any Moodle activity. Below the activity name and description area and above the Save and return to course, Save and display, and Cancel...
Article Id: 20270

Moodle sections (AKA “topics” or “modules”) can be configured to accommodate sequential names in the form of either weeks or numbered topics. How to configure a course for Weekly format: From the main course page, click the Admin (gear) icon and click “Edit settings” under Course Administration. Expand the “Course format” menu, select “Weekly” from the “Format” drop down list...
Article Id: 20375

While registered students are automatically enrolled into your course, you can manually enroll extra participants, such as a Teaching Assistant or Guest Instructor. To Enroll Extra Participants into Your Course: Click on the Admin icon. Click on Users drop down menu, then select Enrolled Users . Click the Enroll Users ...
Article Id: 20260

An instructor may want to control when and under what conditions a student can access specific items in a course. This level of control can be useful in the following scenarios: Students must complete items in a specific order The instructor does not want the students to rush through the materials The instructor wants to split the students into separate activity branches ...
Article Id: 20189

The Course Tools page collects together displays, links, and blocks that are especially useful for managing a course. The contents and appearance of Course Tools will vary depending upon your role as a student or instructor in the course. Get more details based upon your role: Instructor - See Moodle: Course Tools for Instructors . Student - See Moodle: Course...
Article Id: 20229

Moodle: Course Tools: RollSheet Block The RollSheet block makes it easy for the instructor to print out a rollsheet listing the students in the class, with or without pictures. Only primary instructors, non-primary instructors, and teaching assistants (TAs) can see or use the RollSheet block. To Configure the RollSheet Block: ...
Article Id: 20319

The steps below outline the process of how an instructor of a course can import materials from a colleague's course. To Import Materials from another Instructor's Course: Prepare the Content: Instructor A (the colleague providing the course content) should ensure that the content is stored is in a Blueprint Course. To request a Blueprint Course see Moodle: Blocks:...
Article Id: 20181

General Information Activities & Resources in Moodle are the tools and features that you can add to your course as content resources, practice activities, and measurable assessments. The LSU Moodle site contains a list of standard Moodle activities and resources plus additional plug-ins added by the administrator. To add an activity or...
Article Id: 20159

The Latest News block provides access to the Announcements forum (formerly known as News forum), which is a special forum for general announcements. Only primary instructors, non-primary instructors, and teaching assistants (TAs) can post in the Announcements forum. Students cannot post items to the Announcements forum or reply to posts. By default, all course participants...
Article Id: 20318

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