Faculty/Staff Technology
Moodle - New SNAP Theme
Faculty 360
Network Drive
- Some departments offer direct access to their resources via a network drive, which can be accessed as a network location on a computer's normal file managing application. For further info, see here: Shared Departmental Network Drives
General note: Not all software issues go to our Software team. Please see the following articles for help with each type of software.
As a general rule, Box, Zoom, EndNote, and several other applications are NOT available for those in the following campuses due to licensing restrictions:
- LSU Alexandria / Shreveport / Eunice / Health Sciences Center (New Orleans)
- LSU AgCenter
- Any other campus that is NOT the main Baton Rouge campus.
If an application is not listed above, ask an analyst.
Tigerware Software general troubleshooting:
Read this FIRST before troubleshooting any Tigerware issues: Tigerware troubleshooting
Specific troubleshooting:
SPSS Statistics and AMOS
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