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The Course Preferences Block is located at the bottom of the front page of Moodle. This block contains several links to settings that can be personalized according to the instructors preference, each of which is explained below and linked to more information. Students have access to the "User preferences" link, but only instructors of record (as listed on the mainframe) have...
Article Id: 20220
Category: Course Setup

The Course Preferences Block is located at the bottom of the front page of Moodle. This block contains several links to settings that can be personalized according to the instructor's preference, each of which is explained below and linked to more information. Students have access to the "User preferences" link, but only instructors of record (as...
Article Id: 20170
Category: Course Setup

Course Splitting allows an instructor to separate multiple sections of a course into different Moodle courses. Each section can be its own Moodle course, or groups of sections can be combined into courses together. NOTE: It is recommended that you split your course before importing materials or making any changes in the course.
Article Id: 20172
Category: Course Setup

Instructors can use a blueprint course to streamline course creation and maintain consistency across sections. Blueprint courses can be accessed at any time and students are never enrolled in them, allowing instructors to experiment with course design and structure without affecting an active teaching course. Once the content is finalized, instructors...
Article Id: 20175
Category: Course Setup

If you do not intend to use particular Moodle courses, they can be removed from your listing on your My Home page by designating those courses as unwanted. Note : Instructors should NOT use this feature to hide or remove...
Article Id: 20176
Category: Course Setup

Moodle sections (AKA “topics” or “modules”) can be configured to accommodate sequential names in the form of either weeks or numbered topics. How to configure a course for Weekly format: From the main course page, click the Admin (gear) icon and click “Edit settings” under Course Administration. Expand the...
Article Id: 20375
Category: Course Setup

Changing the course cover image in Moodle courses can be used to add interest to your course page. In addition to appearing on the top of the course page, the image appears on the course tile for your course on the My Courses page for anyone who is enrolled in your course. To Change Your Course Cover Image: 1. Open the Moodle course you would...
Article Id: 19939
Category: Course Setup

Moodle provide dozens of different kinds of course activities, and each one has a variety of settings. There are a few types of settings that are common to most Moodle activities, and understanding these settings will allow basic management of almost any Moodle activity. Below the activity name and description area and above the...
Article Id: 20270
Category: Course Setup

The list below shows all the blocks currently available for the Course Tools page. The most commonly used ones are underlined , and have a link to more details about the...
Article Id: 20312
Category: Course Setup

Course Administration Settings Information The Edit Settings option for the course has several sections with useful tools in each. To access the course settings, click on the Administration Menu Gear Icon and then select Edit Settings .
Article Id: 20258
Category: Course Setup